国家科技部中国科技论文统计源期刊   中国科技核心期刊   WHO西太平洋地区医学索引(WPRIM)收录期刊   湖北优秀期刊
Analysis of Results of Protein Derivative of Tuberculin Tests on Students of a Boarding Middle School
中文关键词:  寄宿制中学  结核菌素试验
英文关键词:Boarding middle school  Purified protein derivative of tuberculin test
阎纳新 石家庄市第五医院 (石家庄 050021) 
吴惠萍 石家庄市第五医院 
梁辰宇 石家庄市第五医院 
摘要点击次数: 1636
全文下载次数: 1758
      摘 要 目的:了解某寄宿制中学学生结核菌感染及患病状况,探讨寄宿制中学结核病防治的干预措施。方法:对石家庄市市直某寄宿制中学8 072名学生进行结核菌素(PPD)试验,比较不同性别、年级的学生PPD试验反应结果。结果:女生一般阳性率为26.92%,强阳性率为11.83%,男生一般阳性率为26.24%,强阳性率为9.65%,女生强阳性率高于男生(P<0.05)。随着年级的升高、寄宿制时间的延长,初中组和高中组的PPD试验阳性率和强阳性率呈递增趋势(P<0.01)。结论:寄宿制中学人口密度、密切接触、学生宿舍居住环境、集体就餐营养搭配以及自身体质差异与结核菌素阳性率密切相关,对寄宿制中学生应加强结核病的健康教育工作,是严防结核病在校园流行的重要措施。
      ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate tuberculosis infection and prevalence in boarding middle school for control and prevention tuberculosis. Methods: Purified Protein Derivative of Tuberculin (PPD) test was performed in 8 072 students of a straight boarding middle school in Shijiazhuang, the results of PPD test of the different gender and grade were compared. Results:The positive rate and high positive rate of girls were generally 26.9% and 11.83% respectively; these of boys were generally 26.24% and 9.65% respectively. The high positive rate of girls was higher than that of boys, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). The positive rate and high positive rate of junior group and senior group were on the rise with the increase of grade and boarding time in the PPD test, the difference was statistically significant (P<0.05). Conclusion:The population density, contact individuals, living environment of students, nutrition arrange of collective meal and personal differences were closely related to the tuberculin positive rate. It was necessary to strengthen the tuberculosis prevention work among the students in boarding middle school.
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