国家科技部中国科技论文统计源期刊   中国科技核心期刊   WHO西太平洋地区医学索引(WPRIM)收录期刊   湖北优秀期刊
A Randomized Double-blind Controlled Trial on Gatifloxacin Tablet in the Treatment of Acute Bacterial Infections
中文关键词:  加替沙星片 治疗 急性细菌性感染 安全性 有效性 氧氟沙星
宋华妮  毛宗福  韩定芬  王桦
[1]武汉大学公共卫生学院武汉43007l [2]武汉大学中南医院
摘要点击次数: 1212
全文下载次数: 103
      Objective: To evaluate the clinical safety and efficacy of gatifloxacin tablets in the treatment of acute bacterial infections.Method: By the randomized, double blind and active parallel controlled means, 220 patients with mild to moderate acute infections of the respiratory and urinary systems were divided into two groups. 110 patients were treated ;with gatifloxacin tablets, 0.2 g, po, bid ; 7 14 days, the other 110 patients were treated with ofloxacin tablets, 0.2 g, po, bid for 7 14 days.Result: 203 patients have completed the trial, 103 in the gatifloxacin group and 100 in the ofloxacin group. In the per protocol analysis, the clinical cure rates of the gatifloxacin group and the ofloxacin group were 76.7% and 71.0% ; the total effective rates being 93.2% ; and 85.0% . The bacterial clearance rates were 96.7% and 93.8% respectively. In the intent to treat analysis, the adverse reaction rates were 16.4% and 18.2% , respectively. There were respectively 5 ( 4.55% ) and 9 ( 8.18% ) abnormality of laboratory examinations of the ALT or AST associated with gatifloxacin group and ofloxacin group. All of these adverse reactions were mild, and they were recovered 10 days after stopping the drugs.Conclusion: Gatifloxacin is a potent antibiotic agent and can be recommended to treat the mild to moderate a cute infections of the respiratory and urinary systems.
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