国家科技部中国科技论文统计源期刊   中国科技核心期刊   WHO西太平洋地区医学索引(WPRIM)收录期刊   湖北优秀期刊
Analysis of Off labeled Use of Outpatient Prescriptions
中文关键词:  药品  未注册用法  门诊处方
英文关键词:Drug  Off labeled use  Outpatient prescription
赵继芳 绵阳市人民医院(四川绵阳 621000)。 
贾铮 绵阳市人民医院(四川绵阳 621000)。 
摘要点击次数: 1068
全文下载次数: 1539
      摘 要 目的:了解药品未注册用法的用药情况,寻求合理科学解决药品未注册用法的途径,为临床合理用药提供基线数据。方法:随机抽取我院2011年6月~2012年5月门诊处方,根据药品说明书判断是否属未注册用法,并进行分类统计。结果:共抽取10 000张处方,含34 876条用药医嘱。其中未注册用法处方3 890张(38.90%);未注册用法5 676条用药医嘱(16.27%)。其中儿科1 486张存在未注册用法(59.08%),用药记录2 484条存在未注册用法(24.54%),均为各科室最高。未注册用法类型:超适应证用药2 763条(48.68%),改变给药途径1 885条(33.21%)、超剂量给药1 028条(18.11%)。未注册用法频率较高的药品包括乳酸菌素胶囊、阿奇霉素胶囊、沙丁胺醇、溴己新、西米替丁。结论:药品未注册用法在临床普遍存在。临床医生和药师必须密切关注药品的不良反应、禁忌证、注意事项,发挥药品未注册用法功效,减少医疗纠纷,同时应借鉴国外经验寻求立法确保临床用药安全有效。
      ABSTRACT Objective:To understand the off labeled use of medication, through analysis and discussion to seek a reasonable scientific way to solve the off labeled use problem and provide the baseline data for improving the rationality drug use in clinical practice. Methods:The outpatient prescriptions were randomly selected in our hospital from June 2011 to May 2012, and the off labeled use was analyzed according to the package inserts in the following aspects and classification of statistics.Results:3 890 of the total 10 000 prescriptions, (38.90%) were involved in the off label use. All the sample prescriptions contained 34 876 records, and 5 676 (16.27%) had their off label use. According to the prescription rate calculation, 1 486(59.08%) of the total 2 515 pediatric prescriptions had their off label use. According to the calculation of pediatric medication orders record, 2 484(24.54%) of the total 10 124 records had their off label use. The off labeled use types mainly included 2 763 records of indications for drug use accounting for48.68%, 1 885 records of changes in the route of administration accounting for 33.21%, and 1 028 records of super dosage accounting for 18.11%. The higher off labeled drug uses were pediatric Lactobacillus capsules with 642 records, azithromycin capsules with 388 records, obstetrics and gynecology salbutamol with 204 records, 67 times of bromhexine hydrochloride, and 221 times of cimetidine . Conclusion:The off labeled use was a common prevalence in main sections of pediatrics and obstetrics in the aspects of the indications and change in the route of administration for most clinical drug usage. Complied with evidence based medicine basically, the off labeled use was also put in its risk. Physicians and pharmacists must pay more attention to adverse drug reaction, contraindications and precautions to reduce medical disputes and ensure clinical safety and effectiveness of drugs by using drug registration usage and learning from foreign experience to seek legislation.
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