国家科技部中国科技论文统计源期刊   中国科技核心期刊   WHO西太平洋地区医学索引(WPRIM)收录期刊   湖北优秀期刊
Evaluation of the Clinical Utilization of Levofloxacin in our Hospital
中文关键词:  左氧氟沙星  应用分析  合理用药
英文关键词:Levofloxacin  Drug utilization  Rational drug use
郭铁建 锦州市中心医院(辽宁锦州 121000) 
胡东梅 锦州市中心医院(辽宁锦州 121000) 
摘要点击次数: 965
全文下载次数: 945
      摘 要 目的:评价左氧氟沙星在我院临床应用中的安全性与合理性。方法:采用回顾性方法,抽取我院2009年使用左氧氟沙星门诊处方224张、住院病历120份,对左氧氟沙星的应用情况进行统计、分析。结果:左氧氟沙星应用广泛,治疗用药占85.17%,预防用药占14.83%,分别存在预防用药不规范、用量偏大、联用比例偏高、用药时间长等现象。结论:我院左氧氟沙星的应用存在不合理现象应引起重视,以确保临床用药的安全性和合理性。
      ABSTRACT Objective:To evaluate the safety and rationality of clinical use of levofloxacin. Method:In this retrospective study, 224 outpatient prescriptions and 120 inpatient medical histories of levofloxacin were randomly collected in 2009 for the analysis of its clinical utilization. Result:The use of levofloxacin was widespread in our hospital. Patients received therapeutic use of levofloxacin or prophylactic use in this study, accounting for 85.17% and 14.83%, respectively. But such irrational problems as nonstandard prophylactic use,high dosage,high proportion of drug combination,prolonged medication were seen in all cases.Conclusion:Great attention should be paid to those serious problems of irrational use of levofloxacin in our hospital to ensure the safety and rationality of its clinical use.
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