国家科技部中国科技论文统计源期刊   中国科技核心期刊   WHO西太平洋地区医学索引(WPRIM)收录期刊   湖北优秀期刊
Investigation of the Leucocytopenia Induced by Antidepressants
中文关键词:  抗抑郁药  白细胞减少  调查
英文关键词:Antidepressant  Leucocytopenia  Investigation
韦龙静 南京医科大学附属南京脑科医院药剂科 (南京 210029) 
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      摘 要 目的:对住院抑郁症患者服用抗抑郁药所致白细胞减少进行调查分析。方法: 通过医院信息系统筛选出2012年临床诊断为抑郁症,住院期间服用过升白药物的住院患者,详细记录患者的基础白细胞和粒细胞计数、抗抑郁药物使用情况、白细胞减少发生时间和白细胞计数、升白药物种类及预后。结果:735位抑郁症患者服用抗抑郁药物治疗后,有30位患者(4.1%)出现白细胞减少,白细胞计数在(3.3~4.0)×109·L-1,其中16例同时出现轻度中性粒细胞减少。服用抗抑郁药后出现白细胞减少发生时间为7~31 d,平均(16.6±7.7)d。引起白细胞减少例数排序前3位的抗抑郁药分别为:艾司西酞普兰、文拉法辛和帕罗西汀。大部分患者服用升白药物后能很快恢复正常。结论:临床在应用抗抑郁药时,需定期监测白细胞计数,及早识别可疑药物,及时对症治疗。
      ABSTRACT Objective::To study the leucocytopenia induced by antidepressants in the depressive inpatients.Methods:From the hospital information system, the author screened out he inpatients in 2012 who were diagnosised as depression and took leucocyte increasing agents during their hospitalization, and then recorded their white blood cells and neutrophils values on admission and after antidepressants treatment, antidepressants and leucocyte increasing agents, and time when the patients developed the leucocytopenia and the prognosis. But those with leucocytopenia and hematological diseases on admission were excluded. Methods:30 of the 735 depressived inpatientspatients (4.1%) developed leucocytopenia after taking antidepressants and at the same time neutropenia1 emerged simultaneously in 6 patients. Their white blood cells values were from 3.3×109·L-1 to 4.0×109·L-1. The range of the days when patients were found leucocytopenia after receiving their antidepressants treatment were from 7 to 31. The mean value was(16.6±7.7)days. The front three antidepressants inducing leucocytopenia were escitalopram, venlafaxine and paroxetine. Most patients' white blood cell values could recover to the nomal values after they received the leucocyte increasing agents. Conclusion:The antidepressants could cause the mild and moderate leucocytopenia, most of which could restore to normal after therapy; therefore, it is necessary to regularly monitor the hemogram, discern suspected drugs and provide symptomatic treatment during the antidepressant treatment.
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