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Analysis of One Case of Sick Sinus Syndrome related Adverse Events Caused by Mosapride
中文关键词:  病窦综合征  莫沙必利  药品不良事件  病例分析  QT间期
英文关键词:Sick sinus syndrome  Mosapride  Adverse drug events  Case analysis  QT interval
夏洪颖 昆明医科大学附属延安医院(昆明 650051) 
任晓明 昆明医科大学附属延安医院(昆明 650051) 
王海黎 昆明医科大学附属延安医院(昆明 650051) 
李翠红 昆明医科大学附属延安医院(昆明 650051) 
李仲昆 昆明医科大学附属延安医院(昆明 650051) 
摘要点击次数: 1135
全文下载次数: 1049
      摘 要 目的:综合分析1例病窦综合征患者应用莫沙必利片的患者资料,为临床合理用药提供科学依据。方法:通过讨论1例莫沙必利片致QT间期延长的临床资料,收集2002~2012年国内外期刊报道收录的胃动力药致QT间期延长的不良反应的文献,并进行分析。结果:莫沙必利片虽然不是本患者发生此类反应的根本原因,但其加重了此类反应的发生。结论:患有病窦综合征的患者,特别是存在肝肾功能不全的老年患者,在合并使用莫沙必利片等胃动力药物时,必须严密关注QT间期,必要时应停用、减量或换用该类药物。
      ABSTRACT Objective:To analysze one case of patients with sick sinus syndrome caused by mosapride to provide a scientific basis for clinical rational drug use. Methods:One case of mosapride QT prolongation induced clinical data was discussed to collect international journals motility drug induced QT prolongation adverse reactions literatures in January 2002 December 2012 and analyzed them. Results:Mosapride increased the incidence of such reactions although it was not the root cause of such reactions .Conclusion:Patients with sick sinus syndrome, especially in the presence of liver and kidney dysfunction in elderly patients and in combination with other Mosapride motility medications, need their close attention to QT interval. They should quit, reduce or converse the drugs when any reactions occurred.
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