国家科技部中国科技论文统计源期刊   中国科技核心期刊   WHO西太平洋地区医学索引(WPRIM)收录期刊   湖北优秀期刊
Observation of Curative Effect on Large Doses of Vitamin C in the Treatment of Children with Myocarditis
中文关键词:  维生素C  大剂量  小儿心肌炎  疗效
英文关键词:High doses of vitamin C  Children with myocarditis  Curative effect
吴克义 平阳县人民医院儿科(浙江平阳 325400) 
陈丽 平阳县人民医院儿科 
蔡梦思 平阳县人民医院儿科 
摘要点击次数: 955
全文下载次数: 1450
      摘 要 目的:探讨常规治疗联合大剂量维生素C治疗小儿心肌炎的临床疗效。 方法:86例小儿心肌炎患者随机分为两组各43例。对照组接受常规治疗,研究组在常规治疗基础上给予维生素C注射液150~200 mg·kg-1,ivd qd。两组疗程均为2周。观察两组患儿心肌酶、肌钙蛋白(cTnI)、T淋巴细胞以及心功能的改善状况。比较两组患者的临床效果。 结果:研究组总有效率为95.35%,高于对照组的86.05%(P<0.05)。治理后,研究组患儿心肌酶、cTnI、T淋巴细胞群及心功能等各项指标改善均优于对照组(P<0.05)。结论:常规治疗联合大剂量维生素C治疗小儿心肌炎临床效果好,能明显改善患儿症状,调节免疫功能,无明显不良反应,值得临床推广使用。
      ABSTRACT Objective: To discuss the treatment of large doses of vitamin C combined with routine treatment in children with myocarditis is analyzed to investigate the clinical effect in treatment. Methods:86 cases of pediatric myocarditis patients were divided into two groups at random. 43 patients of control group accepted routine treatment, the other 43 patients in the treatment group were given vitamin C 150-200 mg·kg-1 ivd qd on the basis of high dose intravenous drip microbial method,both for a course of 18 month. The myocardial enzyme, cTnI ,T-lymphocyte and the improment of cardiac function of the patients in the two groups were observed. The clinical effect of two groups of patients was compared. Results:The total effective rate was 95.35% in the treatment group;while in the control group the total effective rate was 86.05%.Compared with the control group,the group in patients with clinical effectiveness is higher (P<0.05). In addition, the treatment group of patients with myocardial enzymes, troponin (cTnI),T lymphocyte group of patients as well as the improvement of cardiac function were superior to control group, the differences between the two groups have statistical significance (P<0.05). And, in the process of treatment, two groups of patients had no adverse reaction occurred. Conclusion:In the treatment of pediatric myocarditis, large doses of vitamin C had its reliable curative effect, could not only improve the patient's systemic symptom, and can adjust the immune function, with lower adverse reactions, worthy of clinical use.
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