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The Risk of Long term Testosterone Replacement Therapy
中文关键词:  睾酮替代疗法  男性更年期综合征  风险  药品不良反应
英文关键词:Testosterone replacement  Testosterone deficiency  Risk  Adverse drug reaction
饶志方 华润武钢总医院(武汉 430080) 
王婉钢 华润武钢总医院 
程振玲 华润武钢总医院 
王智 华润武钢总医院 
摘要点击次数: 965
全文下载次数: 1547
      摘 要睾酮替代疗法可以提高男性血清睾酮至正常水平,从而提高男性更年期患者的生活质量,然而长期使用睾酮替代疗法的风险依然存在。对于有心血管并发症的患者,应该慎用睾酮替代疗法。睾酮替代疗法可以增加男性体内前列腺特异抗原的浓度,但是并不增加前列腺癌的发病率;小样本临床试验证明睾酮替代疗法可以改善下尿路症状,但是机制不清;由于缺乏长期观察文献了解红细胞增多、睡眠呼吸暂停这两个不良反应对患者的影响,因此,长期使用睾酮替代疗法患者需要检查红细胞比容,观注其睡眠情况。
      ABSTRACT Testosterone replacement therapy has been shown to increase serum testosterone to physiology levels, improve the life quality of the patients with testosterone deficiency, however, it is real that the long term testosterone replacement therapy. As for cardiovascular patients, it should be prudent to be cured by testosterone replacement therapy. Testosterone replacement therapy could increase prostate specific antigen, but it didn’t add the morbidity of prostate cancer. Small sample size has proved that testosterone replacement therapy improved lower urinary tract symptoms, but therapeutic mechanism isn’t clear. Owing to lack of long term randomize trial to observe two adverse effects of testosterone replacement therapy Erythrocytosis, obstructive sleep apnea, clinicians are advised to check hematocrit and focus patients’ sleep.
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