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Analysis of 28 Cases Adverse Reaction Cases Reports Caused by Xuebijing Injection
中文关键词:  血必净注射液  严重药品不良反应  报告  回顾性分析
英文关键词:Xuebijing injection  Adverse drug reactions  Reports  Retrospective analysis
崔冉 淄博市药品不良反应监测中心(山东淄博 255086) 
谢彦军 山东省药品不良反应监测中心 
翟淑越 淄博市药品不良反应监测中心 
摘要点击次数: 2189
全文下载次数: 3142
      摘 要 目的:了解山东省内收集的28例血必净注射液严重药品不良反应(ADR)的发生特点,为临床安全用药提供参考。方法:收集2012年1月1日~2015年3月31日山东省血必净注射液引起的严重ADR数据,对ADR的患者情况(性别、年龄、原患疾病、ADR史)、药品情况(给药途径、剂量、联合用药情况)、ADR发生时间、分类及临床表现、关联性评价结果与处置转归等进行回顾性分析。结果:血必净注射液严重ADR多集中于40~49岁患者,女性多于男性。临床主要表现为呼吸系统损害,速发型过敏反应;经停药及对症治疗后全部病例预后良好。结论:加强严重ADR监测工作,关注血必净注射液对呼吸系统(速发型)损害。促进临床合理用药, 以保证患者的用药安全。
      ABSTRACT Objective:To study the 28 cases of adverse reactions of drugs (ADR) caused by Xuebijing injection to find their rules and characteristics, aimed at providing the reference for using of drugs in clinic. Methods:The data of ADR caused by Xuebijing injection in Shandong province during Jan. 1st 2012 to Mar. 31th 2015 was collected and retrospectively analyzed, including patient's conditions (gender, age, primary diseases, ADR history), drug conditions (the route of administration, dosage, combination therapy), ADR time of occurrence, classification and clinical manifestations, the relevance of the evaluation results and disposition of the case outcome. Results:Most serious adverse reactions of drugs caused by Xuebijing injection in patients aged 40 to 49 years old, and more than women. The main adverse performance was respiratory system damage, and occurred after drug using within a short time. After discontinuing and symptomatic treatment, all patients had good prognosis. Conclusion:It should be strengthen the work of serious adverse drug reactions monitoring, and focus on respiratory system injury (rapid onset) caused by Xuebijing injections in clinic in order to ensure drug safety for patients.
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