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Discussion on Application of Different Sampling Methods in Evaluation of Prescription
中文关键词:  处方点评  系统抽样  分层抽样
英文关键词:Prescription evaluation  Systematic sampling  Stratified sampling
易智勇 ①淮南新华医疗集团新华医院药剂科(安徽淮南 232052) 
摘要点击次数: 1513
全文下载次数: 1555
      摘 要 目的:探讨处方评价工作中不同抽样方法的合理性与可操作性,为处方点评的准确实施提供抽样方法参考。方法:选择我院2014年8月1~31日的所有门急诊处方9 129张(Excel 2007表格方式),分别采用完全随机抽样、系统等距抽样、分层抽样(按日随机抽样、按科室、按病种分层)方法与全面调查方式对比进行处方点评,以《医院处方点评管理规范(试行)》中不规范、不适宜和超常处方作为评价依据和指标进行比较。结果:完全随机抽样、系统等距抽样、按日随机抽样三种方法与全面调查法在处方点评3项指标差别无统计学意义(P>0.05),且系统等距抽样方法最为接近总体水平。结论:按系统等距抽样抽取300张左右样本量的抽样方法适用于与我院规模相似的医疗机构的处方点评实际工作应用。
      ABSTRACT Objective: To discuss the rationality and operability of different sampling methods in prescription evaluation, in order to provide the basis of sampling methods for the accurate implementation of prescription evaluation.Methods:To select all the prescriptions in outpatient and emergency departments counted 9 129 pieces from August 1, 2014 to August 31, 2014, and respectively using completely random sampling, systematic equidistant sampling, stratified sampling according to date, department and disease, then compare with general survey to make prescription sampling evaluation. Making comparisons based on irregular and unsuitable supernormal prescription from “Hospital prescription comment on standardized management (trial)” as basis and index of evaluation. Results:There was no significant difference in 3 indexes of prescription evaluation among completely random sampling, systematic equidistant sampling, random sampling by the date and general survey (P>0.05). Systematic equidistant sampling was the closest to the overall level.Conclusion:The sampling methods that taked approximately 300 samples by using systematic equidistant sampling, which was suitable for prescription evaluation in the medical institutions with similar size of our hospital.
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