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Analysis of Anti infectious Agents Related Hepatic Adverse Drug Reactions based on Data Mining Methods
中文关键词:  抗感染药  药源性肝损伤  药物警戒  药品不良反应  数据挖掘
英文关键词:Anti infective drugs  Drug induced liver injury  Pharmacovigilance  Adverse drug reaction  Data mining
蔡乐 解放军总医院药品保障中心(北京 100853) 
朱曼 解放军总医院药品保障中心 
郭代红 解放军总医院药品保障中心 
徐元杰 解放军总医院药品保障中心 
马亮 解放军总医院药品保障中心 
凡超 重庆医科大学药学院 
摘要点击次数: 1694
全文下载次数: 1057
      摘 要 目的:通过数据挖掘方法分析和检测抗感染药相关肝损伤风险信号,为防治抗感染药相关肝损伤提供参考。方法:调取2009~2013年解放军药品不良反应(ADR)监测中心数据库中抗感染药相关肝损伤报告,对患者的年龄、性别、引发ADR的药物类别与品种进行分析,并通过比例报告比法、报告比值比法、英国药品和保健产品管理局的综合标准法和贝叶斯可信区间递进神经网络法4种数据挖掘方法检测抗感染药相关肝损伤风险信号。结果:67 145例ADR报告中,共涉及1 699例肝损伤报告,其中抗感染药相关肝损伤为572例。引发ADR频次最高的前3类抗感染药分别为抗结核药、头孢菌素类药和抗真菌药。通过4种数据挖掘方法检测,抗结核药和抗真菌药等15种药物生成肝损伤的阳性信号。结论:抗结核药和抗真菌药可能是引发抗感染药相关肝损伤的主要药物。临床医务人员应提高对抗感染药相关肝损伤的认识,并加强防范。
      ABSTRACT Objective: To analyze and detecte the anti infectious agents associated hepatic adverse drug reaction (ADR) signals using data mining methods, and provide reference for the prevention and treatment of anti infective agents related hepatic ADRs. Methods: The hepatic ADR reports of anti infective agents were collected from PLA ADR monitoring center during 2009 to 2013, and then analyzed in respect to age, gender and categories of suspected anti infective agents. The relationships between anti infectious agents and hepatic ADRs were assessed by 4 kinds of data mining methods, including the proportional reporting ratio(PRR), the reporting odds ratio, combination χ2 test PRR measure used by the Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency, and Bayesian Condence Propagation Neural Network. Results:From 67 145 reports submitted in our database, 1 699 cases regarded hepatic ADRs, and 572 were related to anti infective agents. The most frequently drug classes inducing hepatic ADRs in anti infective agents were anti tuberculotics, cephalosporins, and antifungal drugs. Fifteen kinds of anti infective agents, mainly including anti tuberculosis drugs and antifungal drugs generated significant disproportionality using 4 kinds of data mining measures, indicating the post marketing risk signals of liver injury. Conclusion:The anti tuberculosis drugs and antifungal drugs were the most common suspects of the hepatic ADRs in anti infective drugs. Clinicians must be aware of anti infective drugs related liver injury and monitor patients when the prescription of these drugs.
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