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Aescin Combination with Edaravone in the Treatment of Cerebral Hemorrhage:a Meta analysis
中文关键词:  七叶皂苷  依达拉奉  脑出血  Meta分析
英文关键词:Aescin  Edaravone  Cerebral hemorrhage  Meta analysis
刘颖 苏娜 胡巧织 徐珽 ①四川大学华西医院临床药学部(成都 610041) 
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      摘 要 目的:采用Meta分析方法评价七叶皂苷联合依达拉奉治疗脑出血的有效性与安全性。方法:计算机检索PubMed、Embase、the Cochrane Library、CNKI、WangFang Data、SinoMed和VIP,检索时限均从各数据库建库至2016年4月,纳入七叶皂苷联合依达拉奉治疗脑出血的随机对照试验(RCT),进行数据提取和质量评价后,使用RevMan 5.3软件进行Meta分析。结果以均数差(MD)、相对危险度(RR)、比值比(OR)、95%置信区间(CI)等指标进行分析。结果:共纳入13个RCT,共计1 046例患者。Meta分析结果显示:七叶皂苷联合依达拉奉能够提高临床疗效(RR=1.38, 95%CI:1.27~1.49, P<0.000 01),减少NIHSS评分(MD=-4.98, 95%CI:-6.85~-3.21, P<0.000 01)和NDS评分(MD=-7.98, 95%CI:-12.03~-3.93, P=0.000 1),有效地减少脑水肿体积(MD=-2.61, 95%CI:-3.99~-1.22, P=0.000 2)与脑出血体积(MD=-6.03, 95%CI:-11.35~-0.70, P<0.03);安全性方面因仅1项研究报道了不良反应发生情况,故无法评价。结论:七叶皂苷联合依达拉奉能够有效地提高临床疗效,减少NIHSS评分或NDS评分缩小患者的脑水肿、脑血肿的体积,但是其安全性仍需要进一步的探讨。
      ABSTRACT Objective:To systematically review the effectiveness and safety of aescin combined with edaravone in the treatment of cerebral hemorrhage. Methods:Databases including PubMed, Embase, the Cochrane Library, CNKI, WanFang Data, SinoMed and VIP were electronically searched from inception to April 2016, for the randomized controlled trials (RCT) on aescin combined with edaravone in the treatment of cerebral hemorrhage. Meta analysis was performed using RevMan 5.3 software. Results:A total of 13 RCTs involved 1 046 participants were included. The results of Meta analysis indicated that aescin combined with edaravone can significantly increase the efficiency rate (RR=1.38, 95%CI: 1.27-1.49,P<0.000 01), reduce NIHSS score (MD=-4.98, 95%CI:-6.85 -3.21, P<0.000 01) or NDS score (MD=-7.98, 95%CI:-12.03~-3.93, P=0.000 1), shorten the volume of cerebral edema (MD=-2.61, 95%CI:-3.99~-1.22, P=0.000 2) and the area of the cerebral hemorrhage (MD=-6.03, 95%CI:-11.35~-0.70, P<0.03). Adverse drug recations were not mentioned in 12 studies, were observed in one study. Conclusion:Aescin combined with edaravone in the treatment of cerebral hemorrhag could significantly increase the efficiency rate, reduce NIHSS score or NDS score, shorten the volume of cerebral edema and the area of the cerebral hemorrhage. But its safety still needed to be further discussed.
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