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Construction of Risk benefit Assessment System for TCM Injection Based on MCDA Model: Taking Research on Shuanghuanglian Injection in Treatment of Acute Upper Respiratory Tract Infection as a Case
中文关键词:  多准则决策分析  中药注射剂  效益  风险  双黄连注射剂
英文关键词:MCDA  TCM injection  Benefit  Risk  Shuanghuanglian injection
卢颖 王斯玥 刘畅 王文文 张昱 朱文涛 ①北京中医药大学管理学院(北京 100029) 
摘要点击次数: 1532
全文下载次数: 1357
      摘 要 目的:探讨定性与定量评价相结合评价中药注射剂的有效性、安全性,为综合评估药物价值提供操作路径。方法:以双黄连注射剂治疗急性上呼吸道感染为例,应用多准则决策分析(MCDA)模型探讨构建中药注射剂效益风险评价体系的理论框架。结果:结合中药注射剂的特点,通过确定决策环境、建立价值树、数据收集与处理、定义指标价值、权重赋值、敏感性分析及效益风险评价,综合考量中药注射剂的效益风险,构建系统的效益风险评价体系。结论:基于MCDA模型构建中药注射剂效益风险评价体系,可以比较多种中药注射剂治疗某一疾病的综合价值,为临床合理用药及国家相关药物政策决策提供参考依据。
      ABSTRACT Objective:To provide an qualitative and quantitative methods for evaluation of the effectiveness and safety of TCM injections. Methods: Taking research on Shuanghuanglian injection in treatment of acute upper respiratory tract infection as an example, to investigate the construction of traditional Chinese medicine injection risk benefit assessment system, based on multiple criteria decision analysis (MCDA) model.Results: Combining with the characteristics of TCM injections, comprehensive considerate risk and benefit of TCM injections, to build systematic risk benefit evaluation system by determining the decision environment, to build a value tree, to collect and process data, rating index, to weight assignment, sensitivity analysis and risk benefit evaluation. Conclusion:Construction of risk benefit evaluation system for TCM injection based on MCDA model, could compare comprehensive value of a variety of TCM injection in treatment of a disease and provide reference for clinical rational drug use and relevant national drug policy decisions.
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