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A New Model for Processing Data from Medical Records
中文关键词:  非结构化医疗记录  半结构化数据  双阅读/录入系统  质量控制  再现性
英文关键词:Unstructured medical records  Semi structured data  Double reading/entry system  Quality control  Reproducibility
罗立刚 胡佳佳 王晓哲 张天泽 李丽平 ①零氪科技(北京)有限公司(北京 100080) 
摘要点击次数: 1702
全文下载次数: 1484
      摘 要在医疗实践中产生了大量的保存于纸质归档系统或电子医疗记录系统中的临床和药物数据,并形成了生物医学大数据(BBD)。如何充分利用BBD中的非结构化数据是医疗保健领域大数据研究的一大挑战。本文介绍了一种可从非结构化医疗记录中抽取并创建半结构化数据库的双阅读/录入系统(double reading/entry system,DRESS),该系统基于云技术,主要包括LinkMR、LinkCore和LinkQC三个子系统,完成医疗数据的收集和上传、安全保存和管理、半结构化数据的提取以及反复的质控。通过随机选取100份肺癌患者的医疗记录对DRESS进行再现性研究,结果显示对于大多数临床变量,DRESS都具有相当高的再现性。DRESS作为一种把非结构化BBD转成半结构化数据的混合系统是目前一种解决医疗大数据挑战的可行方案。
      ABSTRACTHealthcare provided a huge amount of biomedical data stored in either legacy system (paper based) format or electronic medical records (EMR) around the world, which were collectively referred to as big biomedical data (BBD). It was a big challenge for health care that how to take advantage of unstructured data in BBD. This paper introduced a double reading/entry system (DRESS) to extracting structured medical information from unstructured data in medical records. Utilizing the modern cloud based technologies, we had developed DRESS that included three mainly subsystems (LinkMR, LinkCore and LinkQC), from capturing MRs in clinics, to securely transferring MRs, storing and managing cloud based MRs, to facilitating both machine learning and manual reading, and to performing iterative quality control before committing the semi structured data into the desired database. To evaluate the reproducibility of extracted medical data elements by DRESS, we conducted a blinded reproducibility study, with 100 MRs from patients who had undergone surgical treatment of lung cancer in China. The results showed an overall high reproducibility. DRESS represented probably a workable solution to solve the big medical data challenge.
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