国家科技部中国科技论文统计源期刊   中国科技核心期刊   WHO西太平洋地区医学索引(WPRIM)收录期刊   湖北优秀期刊
Retrospective Analysis on 972 Cases of Adverse Drug Reaction/event Caused by Opioids
中文关键词:  阿片类药物  药品不良反应/事件  用药安全
英文关键词:Opioids  Adverse drug reaction/event  Safe medication
隆清娥1 赵丽2张程亮1 1.华中科技大学同济医学院附属同济医院药学部 武汉 4300302.湖北省药品(医疗器械)不良反应监测中心 
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      摘 要 目的:研究阿片类药物所致不良反应/事件(ADR/ADE)发生的特点,为临床安全用药提供参考。方法:采用回顾性研究方法,对2007年1月~2018年6月湖北省药品(医疗器械)不良反应监测中心收集的972例阿片类药物所致ADR/ADE,从患者性别、年龄、ADR/ADE发生时间、给药途径、临床表现及转归等方面进行统计分析。结果:972例ADR/ADE报告的患者男女比例为1 ∶1.20;51~70岁患者构成比较高;ADR/ADE主要发生在用药后24 h以内(66.46%);主要临床表现为胃肠系统损害(38.96%)、中枢及外周神经系统损害(21.87%)、皮肤及其附件损害(10.46%)、全身性损害(9.23%)、呼吸系统损害(4.51%),其中严重ADR/ADE构成比为10.49%。阿片类药物所致ADR/ADE的给药途径以静脉注射(34.57%)和口服给药(32.51%)为主。结论:阿片类药物可引起严重ADR/ADE,临床用药时需加强监测,提高用药安全性。
      ABSTRACT Objective: Analyzing the rules and characteristics of adverse drug reaction / event (ADR/ADE) caused by opioids, to provide references for clinical drug use. Methods: Using retrospective studies, 972 cases of ADR/ADE reports collected by Hubei Center for ADR/ADE Monitoring from January 2007 to June 2018 were analyzed according to patients’ age and gender, occurrence time, the administration routes, clinical manifestations and prognosis, etc. Results:From the analysis of 972 cases of ADR/ADE reports of opioids, the ratio of male to female was 1 ∶1.20, and more ADR/ADE reports appeared in 51 70 age groups; the occurrence time of ADR/ADE cases mainly happened within 24 hours after the treatment(66.46%). The involved damages mainly contained gastrointestinal system disorders (38.96%), central and peripheral nervous system disorders (21.87%), skin and appendages disorders (10.46%), body as a whole general disorders (9.23%) and respiratory system disorders (4.51%). 10.49% of these cases were serious adverse effects. Intravenous injection (34.57%) and oral administration (32.51%) were the two routes of administration used more frequently in these cases. Conclusion:Opioids may cause multiple and serious ADR/ADE, therefore, more attention should be paid to the clinical use of opioids. And ADR/ADE monitoring should be strengthened to improve the safety of medication.
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