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Bibliometrics Analysis on the Study of Pharmaceutical Care for Chronic Non infectious Disease by GoPubMed
中文关键词:  慢性非传染性疾病  药学监护  GoPubMed网站  文献计量学
英文关键词:Chronic non infectious diseases  Pharmaceutical care  GoPubMed  Bibliometrics
张楠 杨慧鹃 闫阔 蔡泓敏 夏文斌 北京市垂杨柳医院药剂科 北京 100022 
摘要点击次数: 599
全文下载次数: 366
      摘 要 目的:了解全球对慢性非传染性疾病(以下简称“慢病”)患者药学监护的研究现状。方法:在GoPubMed网站首页搜索框内输入“‘Chronic Disease’[mesh] AND ‘Pharmaceutical Care’[mesh]”进行检索,搜集PubMed数据库中关于对慢病患者药学监护的文献,检索时限为建库至2018年6月19日,利用GoPubMed网站的统计功能,分析相关文献的发表年份、主题、国家和刊载期刊等情况。结果:共检索到4 110篇文献。2008年以来每年发表相关文献超过200篇。发表对慢病患者药学监护相关文献较多的国家依次是美国(1 530篇)、英国(266篇)和加拿大(233篇),我国发表相关文献76篇。结论:近年来对慢病患者药学监护相关研究日益受到关注,我国相关研究较少,做好对慢病患者药学监护的实践与研究对于保障患者用药安全、充分发挥药师专业作用具有重要意义。
      ABSTRACT Objective: To explore the current research status of pharmaceutical care for chronic disease. 〖WTHZ〗Methods:〖WTBZ〗Enter “Chronic Disease” [mesh] AND “Pharmaceutical Care” [mesh] in the search box of the GoPubMed website to collect all relevant documents collected by the PubMed database from inception to June 19, 2018, and use the statistical function of GoPubMed. Analyze the publication year, subject, country and published journals of relevant literature. Results:A total of 4 110 articles related to pharmaceutical care for chronic disease were retrieved. Since 2008, more than 200 related literatures had been published each year. The countries that publish more literature on pharmaceutical care for chronic disease were the United States (1 530), the United Kingdom (266), and Canada (233), and 76 articles had been published in China. Conclusion:In recent years, the research on pharmaceutical care for chronic disease has received increasing attention, but there are few relevant studies in China. The practice and research of pharmacological monitoring of patients with chronic diseases are of great importance to ensure the safety of patients’ medication and give full play to the professional role of pharmacists.
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