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A Review of the Research Method of Pharmacoeconomics Based on R Language
中文关键词:  R语言  药物经济学  heemod程序包  BCEA程序包  Markov模型
英文关键词:R language  Pharmacoeconomics  Heemod package  BCEA package  Markov model
母立峰1 苏亚霞2 宋金春1 1.武汉大学人民医院药学部 武汉 4300602.武汉大学中南医院药学部 
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      摘 要药物经济学研究可在药品定价、医保准入谈判等方面发挥重要作用,因而受到政府部门和相关决策者的重视,随着国内药物经济学研究数量逐渐增多,研究的整体质量也亟待提高,对评价方法的探索也显得尤为重要;R语言是当前热门的统计绘图语言和操作环境,随着越来越多的可用于药物经济学评价的R语言程序包出现,它在该领域的应用优势也逐渐显现出来,基于R语言的药物经济学研究,在证据合并、统计建模和图形展示等方面给予了研究者极大的自由或灵活性,本文对R语言环境下进行药物经济学研究的一般框架及相关程序包做一综述,以期为相关研究提供参考。
      ABSTRACTPharmacoeconomic research can play an important role in drug pricing and medical insurance access negotiations. Therefore, it is valued by government departments and relevant decision makers. With the increasing number of domestic pharmacoeconomic research, the overall quality of research needs to be improved. The exploration of evaluation methods is also very important. R is the current popular statistical drawing language and operating environment, with more and more R packages available for pharmacoeconomic evaluation. The application advantages of R in this field are gradually emerging. R based pharmacoeconomic research gives researchers great freedom or flexibility in evidence synthesis, statistical modeling, and graphical display. This paper reviews the general framework and related packages of pharmacoeconomic research in the R environment, in order to provide reference for related research.
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