国家科技部中国科技论文统计源期刊   中国科技核心期刊   WHO西太平洋地区医学索引(WPRIM)收录期刊   湖北优秀期刊
Changes of Rational Drug Use Indicators Before and After Supervision of Key Monitoring Drugs in Our Hospital
中文关键词:  重点监控药品  药占比  监管措施  合理用药
英文关键词:Key monitoring drugs  Proportion of drug expense  Supervision measures  Rational drug use
刘相端 司倩 方圆 张一 王颖 高钟丽 郑州人民医院药学部 郑州 450003 
摘要点击次数: 660
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      摘 要 目的:加强监管医院重点监控的药品,在新医改形势下降低药品费用,提升临床用药管理水平。方法:通过制定医院重点监控药品目录、药师监控全方位覆盖、结合医保每日点评、三级培训、厂家约谈、停药公示、目录优化调整、信息化管控、绩效考核等措施建立重点监控药品合理使用长效管理体系,并对我院建立重点监控药品监管前(2017年5月)与监管后(2018年5月)药占比、重点监控药品占比、基本药物使用比例、重点监控药品不合理用药比例、销售金额前10位药品排序进行统计分析。结果:与监管前比较,监管后我院药占比从45.52%降至32.46%,降幅为28.69%;重点监控药品占比的降幅为37.03%,不合理用药比例的降幅为41.35%;抗菌药物使用强度的降幅为11.6%;基本药物使用比例的增幅为6.64%;人均住院用药品种数量从8.17种降至6.96种,降幅为14.81%;销售金额前10位药品中出现了临床治疗指南推荐的治疗用药。结论:医院应结合院内用药特点、当地重点监控药品监管办法及医保政策从停药、针对性的医师处方权限制、信息化监管、重点监控药品目录调整、合理用药点评及培训等环节进行相应监管,从而促进重点监控药品的监控管理,降低药占比,提高合理用药水平。
      ABSTRACT Objective: To strengthen the management of key monitoring drugs in hospitals, reduce drug expense under the new medical reform, and improve the management level of clinical application of drugs in hospitals. Methods:By setting up long acting and effective management system for the rational use of drugs, such as covering pharmacists comprehensive, reviewing combined with health insurance policy daily, three level of training, making appointments with pharmaceutical factories, publishing the withdrawal messages, optimizing pharmaceutical scheme, establishing informatization control rules and setting up performance appraisal measures. The proportions of drug expense, key monitoring drug expense, essential drug usage, unreasonable drug usage and the first ten drug order before and after management were analyzed. Results:Comparing before management, the proportion of drug expense after management decreased from 45.52% to 32.46%, a decline of 28.69%; the proportion of key monitored drugs decreased by 37.03%; the proportion of essential drug usage increased by 6.64%; the proportion of unreasonable drug usage decreased by 41.35%, and the intensity of antibacterial drug usage down 11.6%. The per capita number of inpatient drug varieties dropped from 8.17 to 6.96, a drop of 14.81%. Among the top 10 drugs, the guidelines recommended treatment drugs appeared. Conclusion:Hospital should promote the key monitoring of drug management, reduce drug expense, improve the level of rational drug usage by withdrawing drug, targeted restricting prescription, information controlling, adjusting drug catalogue, reviewing and training for the rational use of drugs combination with hospital drug use characteristics, the local drug regulatory measures and medical insurance policy.
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