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Literature Analysis on 9 Cases of Thrombocytopenia Induced by Moxifloxacin
中文关键词:  莫西沙星  血小板减少症  药品不良反应  文献分析
英文关键词:Moxifloxacin  Thrombocytopenia  Adverse drug reactions  Literature analysis
孙闻续 吴逢波 吴斌 徐珽 四川大学华西医院临床药学部 成都 610041 
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      摘 要 目的:探讨莫西沙星致血小板减少症的临床特点及可能机制,为临床用药提供参考。方法:检索国内外文献数据库中关于莫西沙星致血小板减少症的文献报道,检索时限均为建库至2019年2月,筛选确定的文献后提取文献的患者基本信息、用药情况、药品不良反应(ADR)发生经过和转归等信息进行分析。结果:共检索到9例患者,男5例,女4例,平均年龄(57.7±13.1)岁。6例ADR在用药后10 d内发生,8例患者使用莫西沙星后血小板计数最低值下降至30×109·L 1以下,5例患者血小板计数降至10×109·L 1以下。9例患者的血小板减少症均与莫西沙星相关,其中8例患者为严重的ADR,停药或对症治疗后好转。结论:尽管莫西沙星导致血小板减少症罕见,但多为严重的ADR,可能导致患者死亡,需引起临床重视。
      ABSTRACT Objective:To investigate the general clinical characteristics and possible mechanisms of moxifloxacin induced thrombocytopenia, and to provide references for rational drug use in clinical practice. Methods:Literatures of thrombocytopenia induced by moxifloxacin were searched from domestic and foreign literature databases until February 2019. After screening, data from included literature were extracted and analyzed, including patient basic data, medication data, combination drugs, occurrence time, clinical manifestations, treatment method and outcome. Results: A total of 9 cases were extracted. Among them, 5 cases were male and 4 was female, the average age was (57.7±13.1) years old. 6 patients had ADR within 10 days after administering moxifloxacin. The lowest count of platelet decreased to 30×109·L-1 in 8 cases, and 5 of them were under 10×109·L-1. All patients suffered from thrombocytopenia caused by moxifloxacin and 8 patients developed serious ADR, at last they all recovered after treatment. Conclusion:Moxifloxacin induced thrombocytopenia is rare while may develop serious consequence. Great importance should be attached to the ADR.
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