国家科技部中国科技论文统计源期刊   中国科技核心期刊   WHO西太平洋地区医学索引(WPRIM)收录期刊   湖北优秀期刊
Progress in Research on Therapeutic Drugs for Hepatitis C
中文关键词:  丙型肝炎  抗病毒治疗药物  研究进展
英文关键词:Hepatitis C  Antiviral therapy  Research progress
童叶萌1 李盏2 蔡昆3 刘爽3 王雷3 童叶青3 1.武汉市职业病防治院 武汉 4300152.华中科技大学同济公共卫生学院3.湖北省疾病预防控制中心 
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      摘 要丙肝病毒(HCV)感染是一个全球公共卫生热点问题,感染丙肝后慢性化概率极高,容易并发肝硬化等并发症,严重危害身体健康。近年,随着直接抗病毒治疗药物(DAAs)的诞生和发展,为慢性丙型肝炎(CHC)治疗带来了福音,当前泛基因型直接抗病毒药物是当前丙肝治疗的发展趋势。目前国际上已上市的DAAs主要有特拉瑞韦(telaprevir)、波塞瑞韦(boceprevir)、达卡他韦(daclatasvir)、索磷布韦 (sofosbuvir)、西米匹韦(simeprevir);含2种及以上靶点抑制药组成的固定复方制剂主要有哈维尼(harvoni)、伊柯鲁沙(epclusa)等。本文主要综述近年来DAAs的研发进展,以期为CHC防治提供依据。
      ABSTRACTHepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a global public health hotspot. The probability of chronic hepatitis C infection is extremely high, and it is easy to complicated with complications such as cirrhosis, which seriously endangers health. In recent years, with the birth and development of direct antiviral drugs (DAAs), it has brought good news for the treatment of chronic hepatitis C (CHC). The current pan genotype direct antiviral drugs are the current development trend of hepatitis C treatment. At present, DAAs currently listed in the world mainly include telaprevir/incivek, boceprevir, daclatasvir, sofosbuvir (SOF) and simeprevir; fixed combination preparations containing two or more target inhibitors are mainly harvoni, epclusa and so on. This article mainly reviews the development of anti viral drugs for hepatitis C and the progress of drug research at home and abroad, in order to provide a basis for the prevention and treatment of hepatitis C in the same industry.
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