美国老年医学会2019版潜在不适当用药的Beers标准解读 |
Interpretation of the 2019 AGS Beers Criteria: Potentially Inappropriate Medication Use in Older Adults |
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中文关键词: Beers标准 美国老年医学会 老年人 潜在不适当用药物 合理用药 |
英文关键词:Beers criteria American Geriatrics Society Older adults Potentially inappropriate medication Rational drug use |
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摘要点击次数: 814 |
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中文摘要: |
摘 要美国老年医学会(AGS)Beers标准(AGS Beers Criteria)列出了潜在不适当用药(PIM) 的明确列表,建议在大多数情况下或一些特定情况下(例如某些疾病或病症),老年人应避免使用这些PIM。AGS Beers 标准的目标在于改善用药选择,指导临床医师、药师和患者用药,通过减少老年人接触PIM来减少药品不良反应的发生,从而改善对老年人的护理,也可作为评估老年人护理质量、费用和药物使用模式的工具。但自20世纪90年代初以来的500多项研究中,包括一些长期护理、门诊、急症护理和社区护理,PIM在老年患者中的使用情况都不容乐观。本文对比2015年和2019年1月新版的Beers标准,分析介绍2019年Beers标准的多个重要修订,希望Beers标准能为我国临床药师指导老年人合理用药,提高药物安全性和有效性提供一定的参考。 |
英文摘要: |
ABSTRACTThe American Geriatrics Society (AGS) Beers Criteria is an explicit list of PIM that are typically best avoided by older adults in most circumstances or under specific situations, such as in certain diseases or conditions. The goal of the AGS Beers Criteria is to improve medication selection; educate clinicians and patients; reduce adverse drug events; and improve the quality of care in older adults by reducing the exposure of older adults to PIM. Therefore the AGS Beers Criteria can be used as a tool to assess the quality, cost and medication use in older adults. Since the early 1990s, the prevalence of PIM use has been explored in more than 500 studies and in various settings, including long term care, outpatient care, acute care, and community care. In January 2019, AGS published an update to the Beers Criteria. By comparing the 2019 Beers Criteria to the 2015 Criteria and discusseing the important revisions, it can serve as a reference for Chinese clinical pharmacists providing elderly care. |
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