国家科技部中国科技论文统计源期刊   中国科技核心期刊   WHO西太平洋地区医学索引(WPRIM)收录期刊   湖北优秀期刊
Retrospective Analysis of 123 Patients with Suspected Drug induced Phlebitis in the Department of Cardiology in a Hospital
中文关键词:  静脉用药  药源性静脉炎  药品不良反应  安全用药
英文关键词:Intravenous drugs  Drug induced phlebitis  Adverse drug reaction  Safe medication
聂俊杰 吴建华 吴东方 武汉大学中南医院药学部 武汉 430071 
摘要点击次数: 610
全文下载次数: 421
      摘 要 目的:探究武汉大学中南医院心血管内科静脉用药致静脉炎病例的流行病学特点,为临床静脉用药的合理安全使用提供依据。方法:回顾性收集该院心血管内科2014年3月~2018年12月疑似因静脉用药所致静脉炎病例,对患者的性别、年龄、原患疾病,以及致静脉炎的可疑药品、临床对症处理和转归等进行统计分析。结果:共收集疑似药源性静脉炎病例123例,涉及可疑药品32种,主要为中药及其提取物注射剂(49.60%)、抗菌药(16.26%)和心血管系统用药(17.07%);其中63例在接受静脉用药时存在用药不规范的情况,不规范用药项目主要为溶媒选择不合理(35例,55.55%)和药物浓度不合理(26例,41.27%)。 结论:多种注射剂可引起药源性静脉炎,应引起重视,并在药品说明书的指导下,结合患者具体病情合理使用。
      ABSTRACT Objective: To investigate the epidemiological characteristics of intravenous drug induced phlebitis in Zhongnan Hospital of Wuhan University, so as to provide reference for rational intravenous drug use in the clinic. Methods:Cases with suspected intravenous drug induced phlebitis in the department of cardiology in the hospital were collected from March 2014 to December 2018. And retrospective analysis was conducted on the patients’ gender, age, primary diseases, categories of suspected drugs, treatment and outcomes by using Excel software. Results:A total of 123 cases were collected, and 32 kinds of intravenous drugs were involved, mainly for traditional Chinese medicine injections (49.60%), antibacterials (16.26%), and cardiovascular drugs (17.07%); there were irrational application of intravenous drug in 63 cases, mainly for irrational solvent (55.55%) and irrational concentration (41.27%). Conclusion:A variety of intravenous drugs can induce drug related phlebitis, which ought to be noticed, and intravenous drugs should be rationally used under the package inserts in combination with the specific condition of patients.
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